Cover reveal

Thrilled to unveil the cover of my debut novel, The Eight Mile Suspended Carnival! Grateful to Ash Goodwin for design, and to Gronk for the beautiful art, and to Rod Val Moore and everyone at What Books Press. (Please treat yourself by perusing the work of Gronk!) Also grateful to the generous humans who read and provided blurbs (Jim Krusoe, Gayle Brandeis, Ariel Gore, and Nick Flynn). It takes many hands & spirits to do this work.

The novel is forthcoming in October. Stay tuned here for more information!

Free creative writing workshop, June 29

UPDATE: as of 6/25, the workshop is full. But you can sign up for the waiting list at the link below.

Creative Writing for Adults

We have a few spaces left! REGISTER HERE:

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 

6:00PM – 8:00PM

Yellow Springs Community Library

YS author Rebecca Kuder will lead numerous writing exercises to unleash the creative spark and let it frolic on
the page. Inspired by Lynda Barry and others, we will write and draw and move. No previous experience necessary! Please bring a pen and notebook, though we will have some supplies on hand.

Optional: bring a photo that connects to something you are fascinated/obsessed with.

Please wear a mask if not vaccinated.